Welcome to my blog of riding around Europe

If we haven't met, my name is Lianna Miller, and I've had the unique opportunity to ride my bike around Europe during the summer of 2011.
I've done about as little planning as possible, and knew coming into this only that I'm starting and ending in Geneva, Switzerland.
Want to see a map (with commentary) of my travels so far? Check out my tour page here at Track My Tour.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Short and sweet

Not much internet time, so here goes: Hopefully my Achilles has healed up enough to let me do one last trip on this tour: I am riding to Champery, renting a mtn bike, and getting my rear on some righteous Swiss trails before 2011 UCI Worlds are held there. And then, the final stretch back to Geneva and then, whoa, the USA. Woot!