Welcome to my blog of riding around Europe

If we haven't met, my name is Lianna Miller, and I've had the unique opportunity to ride my bike around Europe during the summer of 2011.
I've done about as little planning as possible, and knew coming into this only that I'm starting and ending in Geneva, Switzerland.
Want to see a map (with commentary) of my travels so far? Check out my tour page here at Track My Tour.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The L word

That's loneliness.
When I set out to do this trip, I thought "I ought to go for as long as possible since airfare is the highest cost". Then I thought "I need a challenge. Hmmmm.....I'll go alone!"
Then I thought, "I'll make so many new friends, I've always been able to strike up a conversation."
What I didn't realize?
That if everyday you move onto a new town, as one does when cycle touring, this means that those conversations are only ever a day long. You never develop depth of relationships.
I'm learning that this is a different style of travel, the kind where you see true acts of kindness from people. These are the acts that are bestowed on a traveler, someone you most likely will never see again. Already I have been the recipient of so much goodwill that my breath stops in my throat to think about it. I doubt I will ever be able to repay what I have been so cheerfully given. And if it takes a little loneliness to be able to see this side of humanity, well, my family and friends are only a phone call away.


  1. Amazing post! I experienced the same thing last year traveling alone. So much kindness out there!
