Welcome to my blog of riding around Europe

If we haven't met, my name is Lianna Miller, and I've had the unique opportunity to ride my bike around Europe during the summer of 2011.
I've done about as little planning as possible, and knew coming into this only that I'm starting and ending in Geneva, Switzerland.
Want to see a map (with commentary) of my travels so far? Check out my tour page here at Track My Tour.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Freedom is a bicycle (and having no idea if I am breaking the law)

My first day of proper touring! Remember when you were 14, and your bike was your independence? You could ride over to your friend's house, go to the movies, buy candy bars that your mother didn't approve of? Well, I am getting that same feeling now. My bike is freedom from being stuck on some bus schedule, or limited to only where a train stops. I can ride up many of the narrow streets that are prohibitive to cars, and take advantage of both the roads and the cycle routes.
Of course, I have no idea what the road signs say (I keep getting confused by the weird turning lights for cyclists...and the crazy flashing white bar that I think has something to do with the train?) But I haven't been arrested yet, or even sworn at by drivers, so I will take that as a good start.

1 comment:

  1. ah, the joy of exploring just because you can! I'm so glad you set this up - you are my vicarious vacation :) Later I can tell you the little joys of settled life that you like to hear, and we both seem to think the other has it made. Not sure if this will help any on the road signs, but I was amused to read that "noise from car occupants that could disturb people is prohibited". AKA = they are too nice to yell at you ;) Just try not to get run over by the trains! http://geneva.angloinfo.com/countries/switzerland/driving.asp
    love, susan
